Blog Tour Stop – Fate: Adam & Evette by Maya James



Fate is a fast paced novella about two
people from opposite ends of the country trying to support each other as
friends while denying their instant attraction for one another.
Adam and Evette have both recently
ended relationships that were never meant to last. Each of them is longing for
something more intense and meaningful, and fate brings them together online in
a support system for rebounding daters. The only problem—they’re perfect for
each other but too far away to do anything about it.
Will they help each other find love
with someone else, or will Fate completely take over their destiny?
Indie Author of contemporary romance and suspense novels
such as the Charity Series (Charity’s Warrior, Charity’s Secrets, and Charity’s
Passion) and a novella titled Fate: Adam & Evette.
East coast born and raised, I’m married, extremely happily, with 4 kids, 3 of
which are now young adults (not sure when that happened).I’m a COO in my technology-based “day job,” which requires a mix of
technical and creative writing for both internal and client-facing materials,
but it was not satisfying my artistic spirit. Writing the “Charity” series has
been absolutely fulfilling and exciting.

My favorite writing takes place on my phone while lying on the Southernmost
Beach in Key West, where I try to go at least twice a year.








Fate: Adam & EvetteFate: Adam & Evette by Maya James

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

so here is my problem with reviewing this book. from about the 10% mark, i knew this was a 5-star book…it was that good from the get-go. i was so excited to read this and be able to recommend it to everyone and it really is one of the best books i’ve read in a long time…until the end. literally the end of this book took a star (quite possibly 2) away from my rating. i messaged the author…i was beside myself. she assures me that this is not the end of the story. if that’s the case – then i’m looking at this like a cliff-hanger and giving it 4 stars (and i will revisit after reading the next book and adjust to 5 stars if i’m happy with the outcome, although at this point i do not trust you ms. james!).

just know that i am an absolute happy ending kinda girl…if i don’t think the ending is happy enough, i don’t like it. is that fair? no, probably not. but it’s true and it’s not changing.

if i didn’t insist on a happy ending would i recommend this book to everyone? absolutely. it is a FANTASTIC book if you’re ok with a maybe not so happy ending. the MC’s are so, so great and their chemistry and banter is awesome and the twist at the almost end was even better. and this story was beyond wonderful…(not going to beat a dead horse about the end).

i’ll be waiting (not very patiently) to see what happens next ms. james. and know that my arms are crossed and my foot is tapping…

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