Cover Reveal – Blame It On The Snow by Eva Lilly

Snow Cover
Blame It On The Snow
by: Eva Lilly


When the snowstorm of the decade grinds Atlanta to a halt, it traps three young women in situations that could lead to heartbreak instead of frostbite.

Katherine Sutton must choose between freezing by the side of the road and taking shelter in a former lover’s home. When she sees the changes Charlie McAndrew has made to his life, she wonders what woman could have gotten this perpetual Peter Pan to finally grow up.

Emma Lawrence, attorney-at-law, is snowed in at work with only her hunky paralegal for company. She’s spent many billable hours lusting after Jonas King, even though office policy and a secret past keep her from acting on her atop-the-desk fantasies. When Emma finally lets her heart overrule her head, she finds herself with more than water cooler gossip to worry about.

Rhyan Kilpatrick reluctantly offers shelter to her best-friend’s younger brother, the A-list celebrity Ethan Sutton. The last thing she wants is to be snowed in with the well-known party boy, even if he is panty-melting hot. But when Rhyan sees beneath the superficial role he plays to the hilt, she wishes for more than one snowy night together.

Is it love that pushes these three women to take risks? Or can they blame it on the snow?

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About The Author


For Eva, there is no better day than one spent with her laptop writing love stories with a naughty twist. She lives in Atlanta with her very supportive family.


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