Release Blitz – Winning Bracket/Eloquent Jerk


Enjoy college-set romances? Authors Annabeth Albert and Cassandra Carr are re-releasing their stories from the Campus Cravings anthology as stand-alone novellas, each now available with brand new bonus content. Special 99 cent introductory price for ONE WEEK ONLY. Check out WINNING BRACKET And THE ELOQUENT JOCK today at all major retailers.
by Annabeth Albert
Genre: M/M Romance
Originally published as part of the Campus Cravings bundle, now available on its 
own with a BRAND NEW bonus epilogue! Metrics and tournament brackets—who 
knew they were sexy? When competing dorm advisors Edwin and Ollie bet on a 
basketball tournament, neither expects he’s risking his heart. As the challenge becomes a 
hot bedroom battle to avoid real feelings, the two “frenemies” must change their 
definitions of losing to win a shot at lasting love. 

Christina’s Review:
Winning BracketWinning Bracket by Annabeth Albert

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

i first read this book as part of the campus cravings anthology and absolutely loved it! i was so excited to see an addition to the story!!

ollie and edwin are opposites. ollie is the life of the party, take the bull by the horns, let’s do this kinda guy. edwin is not. at all. he’s the studious, everything can be figured out with a formula, let’s follow the rules kinda guy. ollie is the yin to edwin’s yang. ollie is pretty in your face about relationships and edwin is pretty shy. they of course both secretly yearn for each other while driving each other crazy with their opposite personalities. their banter is really great and they are absolutely perfect together!

the additional epilogue/wedding story is so cute! i absolutely loved all of this!!

View all my reviews

Annabeth Albert grew up sneaking romance novels under the bed covers. Now, she devours all subgenres of romance out in the open—no flashlights required! When she’s not adding to her keeper shelf, she’s a multi-published Pacific Northwest romance writer.
Emotionally complex, sexy, and funny stories are her favorites both to read and to write. Annabeth loves finding happy endings for a variety of pairings and is a passionate gay rights supporter.  In between searching out dark heroes to redeem, she works a rewarding day job and wrangles two toddlers.
Represented by Saritza Hernandez of the Corvisiero Literary Agency
Author Social Links
Buy links & ARC to come. 
by Cassandra Carr
Genre: M/M Romance
Hockey jock and English Lit major Brendan knows he’s gay, but hasn’t come out to
 anyone, fearing a possible backlash. Then he’s tapped to be a TA for a hot professor and 
feels an immediate connection. Now he must decide how much he’s willing to risk to 
score the ultimate goal.
Christina’s Review:

The Eloquent JockThe Eloquent Jock by Cassandra Carr

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

i first read this in the campus cravings anthology and really liked it! i love the additional scene added for the stand alone version.

brendan and scott meet when brendan becomes scott’s TA. they are immediately attracted to each other which could lead to an uncomfortable situation. brendan has never done anything with his sexuality – even though he knows he likes guys, not girls – primarily because he is on the hockey team and isn’t sure how his teammates would handle it. i love his nickname – the eloquent jock – and i love that he is into literature just as much as he is hockey. he is really a sweet, tough man. scott is older and has experience with other men so he is the perfect person to give brendan advice – albeit somewhat selfish on his part since he wants brendan. they balance each other pretty well and are quite ‘cute’ together (even though they don’t like that description).

there were several issues tackled in this story – coming out (secondarily as a jock), the teacher/student relationship (including the age gap) and charting a first relationship. all of which were handled nicely by ms. carr.

View all my reviews






Cassandra Carr is a multi-award winning romance writer. When not writing she enjoys watching hockey and hanging out online. Cassandra’s books have won numerous “Best Book Of” awards and her novella Unexpected Top was nominated in the E-book Erotic Romance category of RT’s Reviewers’ Choice Awards.
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